Thursday, September 10, 2009

Pizza and Puzzles

In June of 2009, Shaun's step-dad had a severe stoke that paralized him on his right side and severely impaired his speech. After a few touch and go weeks back in June, Kenny has made significant improvement while living at the Spring Creek Rehabilitation Center. Tonight I decided to order in pizza at the Rehab Center and have our own little pizza party with Grandma and Grandpa Taylor. When we arrived Grandpa T was in his room sitting in his wheel chair!!! What an awesome thing to see since just a month ago it was a real struggle for him to sit up. He even wheeled himself to the table with a small amount of assistance from Logan. I had such a great time eating delicious LaRosa's pizza and chatting with my kids and in-laws. Of course Elinor had to find something to keep her occupied while the adults had grown up talking she found a puzzle. Grandma T, Elinor, Logan, and I had a fun time getting this Disney puzzle put together. Of course ONE PIECE was missing!!! But we had a fun time talking and laughing together! One other really good thing happened during our visit too. While the nurse was checking Grandpa T's blood sugar, she touched his right arm and he felt pain! You wouldn't really think that pain would be a good thing, but it means that he has some feeling back in his right arm. How awesome is that??? It was fun to be a part of a happy moment at Spring Creek.

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